How To Get Rid Of Trash The Green Way: Garbage Can or Disposal?
How To Get Rid Of Trash The Green Way: Garbage Can or Disposal?
Experts estimate that one third of the food produced around the globe per year is never consumed. What should an eco-conscious individual do with food waste? Are garbage disposals eco-friendlier than trash cans? Let’s go over the basics so that you can make wise decisions.
Reduce Compost Dispose
The first step in green food-waste disposal is to try to create less waste. This means planning your meals and making a shopping list so that you buy only what you will use. Check expiration dates so that you can use items in the fridge up before they go bad. Store foods properly that they last as long as possible.
Garbage Can To Landfill
The food that goes to the landfill will decompose slowly and release methane gas in the process. In the US, food accounts for 20% of the items that go into the landfill. Some states have strict laws about the methane gas that is released from municipal landfills. In California, for example, the gas is captured and reused. Methane gas is a component of natural gas.
Garbage Disposals
When you put food scraps down the garbage disposal, they are swept into the water waste management system for your town. This might mean that they travel through miles of pipes and end up at a waste management facility. There, they are flushed with more water, and the solid waste is routed to the landfill.
Which One Is Better?
When deciding whether to throw food scraps in the trash or disposal, it is essential to know about the specifics of your location. Check out your state or countries landfill laws. Figure out if the methane produced by your food will be reused as natural gas. If the gas is reused, putting food scraps into the trash is better than the disposal because you will use less water.
An Alternative: Composting
Composting isn’t always possible. But in addition to creating less waste, it is one of the best ways to cut down on the problem of food waste disposal. When you compost your scraps instead of chucking them in the bin or sink, you will give the food a chance to decompose quickly. You can use the compost in your garden to grow more food, or give it to a friend.
Become conscientious about your impact on the environment. Think about the food waste you are producing, and ask yourself “What could I do to cut back?” Look into the laws about methane gas capture at your local landfill. This will help you decide whether you want to put food into the trash can.
Contribution by freelance writer Sally Preston
Taylor Bishop
Thanks for going explaining how to get rid of trash. I didn’t know that it could be good to know what kind of laws are in place in your location. It seems really important to making sure that any garbage id taken care of in a way that will benefit the whole environment. http://www.kingstonskiphire.com.au/waste-types
February 13, 2018
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