Sources of Unhealthy Air in Your Home
When you hear about air pollution you think about the air outside. However, indoor air pollution is just as common and it’s important to be aware of the sources. Addressing these sources can include the air quality in your home and reduce any health issues.
Gas Stoves
Using gas stoves can lead to indoor air pollution. It’s possible they may release carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, or formaldehyde. The volume of these gases can increase during the winter due to less ventilation. Being exposed to these gases can irritate existing health conditions such as asthma. There is also an increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and there are some connections to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Changing to an electric stove can be an excellent alternative.
Your Fireplace
Whether you have a wood burning fireplace or a gas fireplace, there will be emissions being released into the air. However, it will be worse with wood burning fireplaces due to the smoke. The smoke releases very fine particles that can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat as well as cause other serious risks. It may be helpful to replace your current fireplace with an electric fireplace. These fireplaces keep your home nice and warm without the risks. An electric fireplace doesn’t emit fire or smoke, so it’s a better option for those with asthma. These fireplaces also require less maintenance and are more efficient.
Central Air System
If you don’t regularly maintain your central air system, then you can begin to see issues with your air quality. For example, air filters need to be changed. Air filters do work to keep dust and dirt out of your home, but the buildup over time can make it harder for them to do this. The air coming through may begin to pick up pollutants and circulate through your house. A clean air filter can also prevent build up in your air ducts. Having a clean air system has many other benefits. Your air will smell better, you’ll have to dust less, your system will last longer, and energy will be used more efficiently in your home.
Keeping the air in your home clean is essential to your health and it is even more important with the increased time people are spending at home. Make sure you are aware of sources of unhealthy air so you can address them quickly. Do whatever is necessary to improve the air quality in your home.
Read this next: How to Keep Your Carbon Emissions Low in the Winter
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