Where Does Baking Soda Come From?
At MamaSuds, ingredients are important to us. If you’ve been a customer for any amount of time, you know that we take ingredients very seriously.
Do you know where your baking soda comes from? Sodium bicarbonate (most commonly called baking soda) is a naturally occurring sodium compound that is a naturally compound. But believe it or not, what you probably purchased (and what is most commonly found) in the grocery store is chemically produced. The mass-produced baking soda in the orange box not only is not cruelty free, but also it’s not naturally mined as baking soda. The orange box comes from a mine in Wyoming, where ore is mined then heated until it turns into soda ash then combine with carbon dioxide which chemically makes sodium bicarbonate.
MamaSuds uses baking soda that is mined in western Colorado by Natural Soda in its purest form nahcolite. Their operation uses an efficient and environmentally-friendly solution mining process to recover pure, naturally-occurring baking soda without any chemical alteration. “This involves pumping hot water approximately 1900 feet underground to dissolve the underlying nahcolite beds and return the bicarb saturated water to the surface. The saturated brine is pumped back to the processing facility where the sodium bicarbonate is extracted.” (www.naturalsoda.com/ about-us/our-unique-process/).
They are certified by the Non-GMO Project, OMRI (organic material review institute), NSF, Halal, Kosher, and they do not test on animals.
MamaSuds uses Natural Soda in our Automatic Dish Powder and our Toilet Bombs.
Here is a great and interesting video about how Natural Soda extracts baking soda:
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