The CleanSuds Blog
Where education and truthful facts are easy to come by.

How Did I Get Here Part 6
How did I get here?
In my previous post in this series I talked about how my husband started telling me I should sell the liquid soap and the laundry soap I was making from it to people outside of our family and friends. I had lots of doubt and thought he was crazy for thinking people would want to buy soap from ME.Where does my story lead to next?
See Part 1 here. See Part 2 here. See Part 3 here. See Part 4 here. See Part 5 here.
So here is Part 6 in my series. My lovely techie husband set up a website for me. We did a few Mom 2 Mom sales. They were not successful. I was not a very good salesperson. It was no loss for me, I knew it wouldn't work. Plus, I was teaching and was expecting our third baby so I didn't think I could have the time either.
Then on December 28, 2011 a lady named Dorothy from Colorado ordered a gallon of my laundry soap. I'll never forget that feeling. I actually cried in disbelief. Someone in COLORADO bought my soap? Get out! Later I received an email from her telling me that my soap was "such a blessing" to her 80 year old skin. She even called to tell me in case she didn't send her email correctly. She thought it was hysterical that my first order came from an old lady who could barely use the internet. From then on she called me to place her orders and we would chat. I loved it. It was because of Dorothy in Colorado that I forged ahead and went to the county and registered our business so that we were official on January 3, 2012.
The last time I talked with Dorothy was over two years ago. Her last order came from her daughter and she let me know Dorothy was ill. I frequently think about her and wonder how she is....
Dear Dorothy,
Thanks for being my first customer. I'll never forget you.
Love, Michelle
Update: I did find out Dorothy passed away in January 2016.