The CleanSuds Blog
Where education and truthful facts are easy to come by.

10 DIY Recipes Using Castile Soap
• It can be used to make a baby wipe solution, shaving cream, shampoo, makeup brush cleaner, makeup remover, foot scrub, pet shampoo, natural pesticide and weed killer.
• When using it as a shampoo, remember everyone's hair is different and do a patch test first.
• For a homemade foot scrub mix 1 tablespoon of castile soap with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 cup of white sugar.
• To make a natural pesticide mix ½ teaspoon of castile soap with 1 quart of water and spray it on plants every few days if pests persist.

How Did I Get Here Part 3
How did I get here?
In my last post in this series I talked about how while I was pregnant with my second daughter I had a small bottle of commercial baby shampoo leak on brand new nursery room furniture.I wiped up the small drop that leaked from the bottle and the finish came off with it. This sparked a question in my head, "What am I putting on my baby's skin?" Little did I know how much this little question would change my life. So...Where does my story lead to next?
See Part 1 here. See Part 2 here.
So here is Part 3 in my series.
I instantly researched the crap out of soap. Soap is.... soap, right? Nope. I do most of my research late at night, long after the hubs is sleeping and I distinctly remember sitting in bed with my laptop on my pregnant belly and learning that the soap I have been using on my three year old, and soap we used on ourselves actually had a bunch of "chemicals" and toxins in it. What!?! Hubs was sleeping next to me and I had no one to look over at and spew this information at! A million questions led to hundreds more and I was soon lost in the abyss of the internet.
A life changing decision
That night (almost 6 years ago!) I made a decision that, in hindsight, changed my life. I decided we were getting rid of the baby shampoos and body wash and I bought Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap. I loved it. I only heard one comment from hubs, "this stuff feels different". That was it.
I bought a 16 ounce bottle. Then I bought the bigger size. Then I started reading about all the things you can use castile soap for. I switched out our hand soap, dish soap, made all purpose spray..... it had endless uses! I needed a gallon before long. Then I needed another gallon..... then I had another thought: Can't I just make this stuff myself? (to be continued)