The CleanSuds Blog
Where education and truthful facts are easy to come by.

Do Natural Cleaners Really Work?
• Common natural cleaner ingredients include vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, castile soap, citric acid, and essential oils.
• Castile soap is an example of an extremely effective natural ingredient that is as effective as its chemical counterparts.
• Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are examples of natural disinfectants that are effective against bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19.
• To find the best all-purpose natural cleaner, look for one with proven dirt eliminators like castile soap, plus citric acid or hydrogen peroxide for disinfection.

5 Ways to Replace Cleaning Chemicals with Natural Cleaning Products
• White vinegar and water is an effective replacement for glass cleaner.
• Diffuse essential oils instead of toxic air fresheners to clean the air without chemicals.
• Replace dishwasher detergent and dish soap with castile soap, a chemical-free option that’s biodegradable and non-toxic.
• Tackle grease spots with baking soda, which can be used on its own or added to castile soap for extra cleaning power.
• Natural cleaning products are better for your health than their chemical-filled alternatives.
5 Reasons why You Should Start Green Cleaning
The more we learn about the planet and the environment, the clearer it becomes that our actions are having a negative effect on the world’s health and the health of humanity.
It’s not just the overuse of fossil fuels and other less desirable sources of energy, there are many everyday things we do that are causing damage without us even realizing it.
One of those things happens to be the way in which we keep our homes clean. It’s unsettling to think that our efforts towards personal cleanliness could have the opposite effect, but it’s true.
We take it for granted that we should just go to the store, buy popular cleaning products and use them in our homes, but when we do that we don’t really know what toxins we’re releasing.
The practice of green cleaning, is using eco-friendly, chemical free products in the place of the normal cleaning products you would use.
It might sound like more work, but it’s not actually as big of an overhaul as you might think. Here’s 5 reasons why you should try it:
- It’s Cost Effective
If you switch to green cleaning, you will be making most of your own cleaning products and potentially even some of your own cleaning utensils.
A lot of the stuff that you will need to make these products you will have in your house anyway, so it will really be cutting down the costs
Consider some of the cleaning products that you can make and what ingredients that you are going to need for it. You may have heard of us? MamaSuds?
Take this list for example. While not everything listed here is entirely chemical free, there are a few things here that are pretty common to the various different recipes that are.
You’ve got white vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice and table salt. All things that you could probably find in your kitchen right now if you look.
Think about how much you actually spend on cleaning products, and then consider that you can almost cut all of that out of your expenses if you start making your own.
It’s a pretty worthwhile change.
- It Detoxifies Your Home
So many people are living in a toxic environment without even realizing it. They pump all of these chemicals into the air, unaware of the damage they could be doing to their health.
A lot of store-bought cleaning products, in particular antibacterial sprays and fabric softeners contain quaternary ammonium compounds.
This stuff can contribute to people getting asthma and it’s an especially dangerous environment for children.
It’s not just your lungs you need to worry about though, the spray cans that you use can often contain volatile organic compounds too, which are dangerous in many ways.
They can cause long term damage to your kidneys, your liver and even your central nervous system and leave you susceptible to a number of illnesses.
Cutting out those products and just using ones that you’ve made yourself can keep the air nice and clean.
- It Helps the Environment
This is probably the main reason why so many people want to switch to green cleaning and it’s definitely one of the biggest incentives.
All of those chemicals we discussed earlier? They’re just as bad for the planet as they are for your health, but the problems run deeper than that.
Think about the packaging of all these products. Plastic bottles and aluminium cans mainly, that stuff isn’t eco-friendly either.
Of course we are making an effort to recycle, but our oceans are full of plastic that people have thrown away and it’s a problem that’s getting bigger and bigger.
Do the recycling in your own home. When you make your own products, you can use the same bottles over and over.
You can minimize your ozone depletion and do you own part towards preventing the negative effects of climate change.
Of course, it’s not entirely up to individuals to stop global warming, but if everybody switched to green cleaning it would definitely be a step in the right direction.
- You Won’t Contaminate the Water Supply
Ammonia, phosphorous, petroleum, these are some of the chemicals that you’re using when you clean with store-bought products.
And they are also some of the worst chemicals for our water supply. That’s where some of this stuff ends up.
You use a rag or a sponge to clean and then you wring it out over the sink. Down the drain and into the water it goes.
If you use it to clean the toilet or the shower then your going to end up flushing it or washing it down the drain there too.
It will end up in the lakes and the rivers where it can hurt the wildlife and also can end up back in your drinking water.
That’s a scary thing to think about but you won’t be contributing to it if you switch to green cleaning.
Cleaning your bathroom is never going to be a fun job so the thought of having to overhaul your method is probably annoying, but it’s worth the effort.
Take a look a this guide from Complete Home Spa on how to clean your shower head, it would be a good place to start with.
- You Know Your Ingredients
It’s hard to know what exactly is in the products that you’ve been using. There could be a lot of chemicals in there that you’re unaware of.
Despite the ingredients list that you see on the back of the packaging, there’s no way of being certain what’s in there.
Sometimes there’s less than desirable chemicals hiding behind ambiguous names. You could see a word that you don’t recognize and it’s actually something you wouldn’t want in your home.
But you are entirely in control of the ingredients when you make the products yourself. You know exactly what’s in there.
And if there’s a particular ingredient that you don’t want for whatever reason, it’s as simple as picking an alternative.
You have way more control and that’s something that you should want considering it’s your home and your family.
And there’s many other reasons to switch too. Green cleaning is the healthier, safer option and it would benefit the planet in a big way if more people were putting it into practice.

Green Living: Creating A Cozy, Eco-Friendly Home
Written by Tony M.
With sustainability being at the forefront of everyone’s minds in recent years, doing your part to contribute to a healthy environment is more important than ever. Luckily, going green has a wealth of advantages to offer every homeowner who makes the switch. From insulation to flooring (and everything in between), here are a few ways you can upgrade your living spaces to contribute to that bright, green future.
Beautiful Bamboo Flooring
One of the major problems facing our planet is deforestation; with demand so high and growth so slow, bamboo provides an excellent, sustainable alternative to traditional hardwood floors. It can grow at incredible rates without the use of fertilizers or pesticides: a bamboo grove can yield 20 times more timber than trees in the same location, and they release 35% more oxygen into the air than similar-sized trees. If you simply must have that hardwood floor look, consider ecological bamboo in place of expensive mahogany.
Wonderful Windows
A home’s windows are its first line of defense against cold and heat; they can also be its largest energy leech — if you suffer from extreme monthly energy bills, it may be due to your windows’ U-factor. Defined as the measure of how well a window insulates (and therefore how well it prevents heat from escaping), the U-factor rating system uses a scale of 0.20 to 1.20. The lower the number, the better insulated your window. Since energy leeches contribute to the size of your carbon footprint, installing well-insulated windows with low U-factors can help the environment and your wallet.
Laudable Lighting
With technology advancing every day, the emergence of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has had a huge impact on modern society. And, best of all, they’re remarkably green! Residential LED light bulbs use at least 75% less energy and last an astounding 25 times longer than incandescent lights. Though the initial cost might be higher, they pay themselves off dozens of times over and reduce energy waste.
Impressive Insulation
After your windows, your attic is a home’s largest offender for heat and energy loss: the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 44% of home energy use goes toward heating and cooling. Since an attic with poor insulation could be leaking air — and insulated buildings in the U.S. have been proven to reduce CO2 emissions by 780 million tons — one of the best ways to minimize your carbon footprint and save money on those energy bills is to ensure your attic is well-insulated.
Powerful Plumbing
Your toilet is the main source of water use in your home, sometimes using (and wasting) six gallons per flush. Making the switch to efficient, low-flush models can reduce your water usage by 20 to 60%. A toilet that uses less water will still provide equal or superior performance, and it goes a long way towards reducing pollution.
Best of all, you are not alone in these efforts: nearly 84% of respondents in a 2017 survey stated that living in a sustainable, eco-friendly home is important to them. If we are all able to commit to a greener future, both our personal lives and the environment will grow and blossom as a result.

This Mama's Story: Lisa
This is a blog series highlighting the amazing women who are living examples of the MamaSuds Manifesto.

This Mama's Story: Jessica
This is a blog series highlighting the amazing women who are living examples of the MamaSuds Manifesto.
How did you find MamaSuds in the first place?
I honestly cannot recall exactly how I stumbled upon MamaSuds. One way or another, it was luck! I do know that 2 years ago I began looking into non-toxic products and making my own products at home. I know I acquired a post on Pinterest from the MamaSuds blog, so I may have found MamaSuds through Pinterest, or I really think it was when I was searching for an alternate option to Dr. Bronners Castile Soap that everyone likes to rave about. I was far from impressed with the price to product amount ratio with Dr. Bronner's, and I like to find products that aren't so commercialized. When I found MamaSuds I remember coming back to the site a few times knowing I wanted to place an order but hesitant about splurging on the gallon of Castile soap. I finally "took the plunge" and ordered laundry soap, all purpose spray, and a gallon of Castile Soap! Best purchases ever!
What's your favorite MamaSuds Product?
I love the Castile Soap and Laundry Soap. The Castile soap is so versatile and I am able to make my own all purpose cleaner, face wash, and floor cleaner from one product! The laundry soap is the safest I have found and probably will ever find, and I was excited to find a liquid! The absolute best part of all of this is to know that I am buying from the US and from a mother who started her own business and is so passionate about her products!
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My favorite thing about myself is my personality. Don't get me wrong -I have my moments- but overall I am an easy going, happy, there to help everyone kind of person. Life is too short to dwell on things or be mad at the people you love!
What is your clean living tip?
My clean living tip is to take it one day or one week at a time! Start with one item in your home and replace it, and then find another item and try replacing that one. It takes time and does not have to happen overnight. In time you will love the changes and keep moving forward towards a more non-toxic living environment, that you can be proud of!
What inspires you to live more sustainably?
My family is what inspires me to live more sustainably. After having my daughter, I began to become even more aware of the toxins that surround us. I began working at changing out everything from personal care products to cleaning products and everything in-between, as well as living a more "greener" lifestyle. I work in a Cancer Center and it truly is scary to see all the different types of cancer and what people and their families go through. I would like to think and hope that small changes made in my home may help my family to avoid unnecessary health issues that are linked to toxins in our daily environments.
We hope you enjoyed Jessica's story! If you have a story to tell, we'd love to hear it.