The CleanSuds Blog
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4 Tips to Living a Lean, Clean, Green Life
• Get a bike for short trips rather than driving a car to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and gain physical activity.
• Make small lifestyle changes such as cutting a couple minutes out of your daily shower or wearing a sweater instead of turning on the heater to save both water and energy.
• Be energy efficient by installing renewable energy sources such as solar panels which can help reduce your dependency on coal or other fossil fuels, leading to significant savings over time.
• Buy less items that you don't need in order to reduce the demand for new products and save resources from having to manufacture new items.
• Use green cleaning products to take care of messes and protect your health, the people living in your home, and the environment.
• Transiting towards a simple, green lifestyle can lead to improved mental health and cost savings over time.
• Make small lifestyle changes such as cutting a couple minutes out of your daily shower or wearing a sweater instead of turning on the heater to save both water and energy.
• Be energy efficient by installing renewable energy sources such as solar panels which can help reduce your dependency on coal or other fossil fuels, leading to significant savings over time.
• Buy less items that you don't need in order to reduce the demand for new products and save resources from having to manufacture new items.
• Use green cleaning products to take care of messes and protect your health, the people living in your home, and the environment.
• Transiting towards a simple, green lifestyle can lead to improved mental health and cost savings over time.