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Eco-friendly Ways to Get Rid of Mold at Home
Use baking soda
Baking soda does a lot more than just keeping your fridge smelling fresh. You can also use it to get rid of mold without harming your health or the environment. Before you get started, it's recommended that you hire a professional mold inspector to help you know all the mold-infested areas. Once you know where the mold is, mix about 3 tablespoons of baking soda with two cups of water and one cup of vinegar. Spray the mixture onto the moldy areas, allow it to sit for about 30 minutes, and scrub it off with a sponge.
Tap into the immense power of essential oils
Essential oils have been used for ages by people to boost energy, relieve headaches, aid digestion, and calm nerves. You can add "remove mold" to the list. Tea tree essential oil, in particular, has powerful anti-microbial properties that make it an effective mold removal solution. Just add a teaspoon of tea tree oil to two cups of water and use it to clean the moldy areas. Grapefruit seed extract essential oil is another antifungal and antibacterial agent that can work wonders on any mold-infested surface. Just add 10 drops of the oil to a cup of water, pour it into a bottle, and spray it onto the moldy areas. Keep the essential oils on the mold-infested areas for as long as you need to until your mold problem is gone.
Got vinegar in your kitchen?
Vinegar is one of the best eco-friendly solutions to a mold problem. It is cheap, non-toxic, and there's a good chance that you already have it lying around in your kitchen. First of all, vinegar can be used to prevent the growth of mold by spraying it onto the surfaces where you suspect it can grow. Vinegar can also be used to kill a large amount of mold in your home. Just spray it on the moldy areas and leave it for a couple of hours to settle. Use a brush to scrub the mold off and make sure the area dries properly. Many people tend to dilute vinegar with water to reduce the pungent smell but this can weaken it and make it ineffective against the mold. If the smell of vinegar is too strong for you, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
Mold is a danger that should be eradicated as quickly as possible, but you shouldn't introduce more dangerous substances into the environment when doing so. By following the eco-friendly methods above, you can get rid of mold permanently without affecting your family's health or the environment.