The CleanSuds Blog
Where education and truthful facts are easy to come by.

The MamaSuds Manifesto
This manifesto is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of MamaSuds. We'd love for you to share with your like-minded friends!
We believe you can clean your home without damaging your health or our planet. We want you to live in a world where cleaning doesn't seem like a chore. We know that the wellness you find beneath your kitchen sink and on your bathroom counter is equally as important as the food you put on your table. We refuse to put profits over people or planet. You, your family, and this planet depend on us to make health a priority. We invite you to join our movement of passionately smart women who want to know more to do better.
Does our Manifesto connect with you? Join our Green Living Tribe on Facebook!

Why You Should Only Use Natural Cleaning Products
When given the option to use natural or commercial cleaning products, choose the one that is free of harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. You'll experience a safer, cleaner home. It will be one thing that lessens your exposure to free radicals, not increases it. Here are some of the reasons why you should only use natural cleaning products:
Some chemicals cause serious diseases such as cancer
According to CNN, Project TENDR findings included neurodevelopmental disorders in people exposed to hidden chemicals inside the home. Other organizations found that the chemicals in commercial cleaners affected reproductive health.
Asthma and other breathing problems increase with some commercial cleaners
Although dust, pollen, and dander are often the root cause of respiratory problems for people and pets, some cleaners also cause breathing disorders such as asthma. Keeping harmful substances out of a home helps clear up the air so that everyone breathes better. Using a dehumidifier or even an air conditioner draws moisture from the air, which can make some respiratory issues worse.
It's economical to make your own simple cleaners at home
There are all kinds of books, websites, and videos dedicated to making everything from toilet bowl cleaner to coffee pot cleaner. Most require a few simple supplies from your pantry such as vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, salt, and baking soda. These items can be acquired cheaply at grocery stores and dollar stores. They can be used to make effective cleaners for the home for pennies on the dollar.
Green cleaners are better for the environment
Harsh chemicals are released into the atmosphere where they contribute to existing pollution. Bodies of water and the air that people breathe is filled with toxic substances that could be avoided through awareness and action. When you choose to use natural cleaning products, you're lowering your carbon footprint and risk for illness and disease.
Creating a safe, clean environment for you and your family to live and entertain in is imperative. By mindfully choosing the items you use for cleaning your home, you eliminate many of the unseen dangers that come with harsh commercial cleaning agents. You're able to clean and disinfect without harming the occupants in your home, your guests, pets, and even the planet.
Natural cleaning products are better for you, your household, and the environment. Whenever given the option to buy cleaning solutions that contain organic ingredients, choose them over commercial cleaners. You won't be exposing yourself to free radicals that way. Your home will be as clean and sanitary as it would be if you used chemical-laden multipurpose solutions, glass cleaners, and carpet cleaners.
MamaSuds offers a wide selection of natural cleaners that are truly safe for your family. Shop today!

My Favorite Kombucha Recipe
My Favorite Kombucha Recipe
I am a total newbie when it comes to making Kombucha at home. But I have done a few batches and they were delicious so I thought I would share my recipe because it tastes wonderful and costs just pennies in comparison to what I was buying at Kroger.
So back when we went on our Solar Eclipse Trip we stopped and stayed with out-of-town friends for a visit before we all traveled to southern Kentucky. While we were there I saw my friend Elaine had a few giant glass jars of Kombucha brewing on her counter. I picked her brain for awhile about it and told her I had been putting off trying it because A) I don't have time and B) it looks hard. Come to find out, it's so easy and takes no time at all. So once she walked me through all the steps she offered me a SCOBY (it stands for Symbiotic Culture of Yeast and Bacteria). I was so excited because I also wondered how to get one. She even gave me a giant jar (how great is Elaine?). So the SCOBY is the pancake looking floating thing that "eats the sugars in the sweetened tea and creates an acidic, vitamin and probiotic rich beverage". (Wellness Mama)
So after I took the SCOBY and jar from Elaine I put it in the fridge for almost 3 weeks before I got the guts to try it. After researching lots of different recipes I decided to do a combination of black tea and herbal tea and to go decaffeinated. Why? I drink too much coffee as it is, I don't need anymore caffeine and my husband doesn't drink caffeine either and I really want him to drink it (hint hint Jim!).
I used a half gallon glass jar so if you have a gallon jar, double the recipe
- 3 black tea bags and 2 Herbal Teas (not flavored!) I used Celestial Times Sleepytime Honey
- half gallon of water (64 fluid ounces, 8 cups)
- 1/2 cup of organic pure cane sugar
- 1 cup of starter liquid (mine came with the SCOBY that I was gifted
- brew tea and sugar in 8 cups of water (I used RO water)
- let cool completely (otherwise you'll kill your SCOBY!)
- remove tea bags and pour into glass jar
- add in your starter tea liquid
- place your SCOBY in the jar
- cover with a tea towel or cheese cloth and put a rubber band around the neck
- store in a dark room temperature place
Note: I used vinyl gloves when handling my SCOBY to be sure that I didn't get any germs on it.
Now wait 7-10 days and then you can bottle your Kombucha. Personally, I reuse a vessel I have (mason jars, distilled water jug) and store in the refrigerator.
I was concerned that the SCOBY went down to the bottom in my batches but apparently that is fine. It has full range of the jar to hang out in 😀
Have a recipe that works for you that you'd like to share? Please comment below and let us know!